Will Guest Blogging be affected with Google’s Penguin 2.0 update?

The internet has been a regular hub for most of the bloggers and tech-enthusiasts. With interests in content marketing, blogging and earning online through several advertisements like adsense or affiliates, blogger intend to increase the popularity of their blogs/websites by sharing it through social medias, online advertisements and link building.

Link building, till date has been regarded as the most effective and the right way for blogging with guest posting articles and sharing things that an author knows. Plus, a link back to the site that the writer owns helps bloggers to rank their website and increase the traffic from search engines on a regular and easy basis. With the Google Panda update, which mostly focused on the content and the quality that it bear, several bloggers were attracted to building quality contents and guest posting them which helped them to improve the SEOs of their website.

And, with the Google Penguin update, which now focuses on link building and checks on the links that redirect users to a blog, I see several bloggers confused about how link building through guest posting might get affected further.

Though Google has mentioned about quality link building that can be done through guest blogging, I feel that Google is surely going to step further in the next Penguin 2.0 update and mention the algorithms that could probably have a look on link building through guest blogging.

Here is what I feel, google is sure to include a check in the newer algorithm of the Penguin update.

1. Social Impact

It has been a known fact that quality content is the first step of making a content go viral. It is sure to gain a lot of tweets, shares and likes that could get the content rank better in google. However, recent trends of content writing and social sharing has been taken in a wrong way through paid content marketing done through micro websites like fiverr or Seoclerks.

And, search engines now seem to take a deep concern in these sort of social shares and Google might give a lesser priority to social counts and more priority on through what (or who) network the content is being shared.

Google is surely going to implement an update in the algorithm which are going to check on the account who share the content on social networking sites, and this might break down the paid social sharing methods.

2. Author Ranks

Google already has started giving priorities to author ranks and checking about how regular a content is being updated by the author in the web.

If a writer is to write on a regular basis (almost 2 articles a week), Google surely will be on the right side to rank the contents written by the author, wherever the contents are posted on.

The Penguin 2.0 update might keep a concern on the intentions of guest posting or blogging. And, devaluation of any author can take place if only content writing is intended towards linking building only. And, this is sure to hamper on the overall SEO of the blog that the author has an authority on.

3. Author links

Google has already made it known that a backlink that comes from the author details do not value as they used to in the past. Similarly, backlinks that intend on ranking a keyword is also going to devalue the linked website.

So, every guest bloggers need to make sure that their links are placed somewhere in the right place within the article, in anchor links, to make it non-spammy.

Further, too many links to a website might also degrade the quality of a site in a long run and natural links is what Google will love to see build for a website. And, if the links developed through guest blogging comes from websites with lower PR and DA valued side, they might not fit in the range of what google regards as a natural link which might penalize the linked site.

Along with this, guest blogging should be intended not only for link building but also for sharing of what you know and building better relations with several sites. Sharing contents without backlinks can boost the author ranks much easily and gain a fan-base in your social media and this is surely going to help in the long-term traffic of a site as well.


Google has made regular updates to its algorithms to check bloggers maintain the TOS for the overall development and marketing of a blog. Google Penguin 2.0 update might take a concern in these sort of links in the coming days.

And, what else do you think will google be updating on about the links in the newer Penguin 2.0 update, Share your thought!

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